Joy Abad Joy Abad

The Mentor’s Table podcast | S1E10: How to Start Your Own Sabbath Rhythm

If you've been playing around with the idea of starting a sabbath rhythm, but you're feeling tired, overwhelmed, or that it's impossible, then this is your sign to START LISTENING NOW. After listening to this episode, let me know if you still feel overwhelmed, or if you feel empowered to start small right away. Pull up a chair.


You guys! If you've been playing around with the idea of starting a sabbath rhythm, but you're feeling tired, overwhelmed, or that it's impossible, then this is your sign to START LISTENING NOW. After listening to this episode, let me know if you still feel overwhelmed, or if you feel empowered to start small right away.

Better yet, after listening, head to and sign up for my FREE Couch-to-Sabbath Guide. I've done all the thinking and planned out the teeny tiny steps to empower you to get started right away. 

Remember, Jesus' own words were that Sabbath was designed to MEET YOUR NEEDS. Full stop. It's not about a list of dos and don'ts, or a list of rules and obligations. It's a rhythm that meets your needs. I can hear a collective sigh just typing those words

Let's get started today!

Click below to listen to our three previous episodes about SABBATH:

The How & the Why of Our Family's Sabbath Rhythm

How I Began My Sabbath Rhythm

Reframing Resistance to Sabbath (a better title would've been--How to Deal With Resistance to Sabbath)

Here are some of my favorite resources I turned to when I began my sabbath rhythm: (may contain affiliate links)


The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. This is where sabbath all began for me! The book covers many spiritual disciplines, not just sabbath. It's my favorite gateway into making spiritual disciplines a life rhythm.

Subversive Sabbath by  A.J. Swoboda | This book has some fantastic teachings about sabbath, and it's a classic "eat the meat and spit out the bones" book. I suggest inviting the Spirit to guide you with discernment as you read.

The Invitation to a Journey by M. Robert Mulholland Jr. | This is a fantastic starting point as well, beginning with establishing why spiritual disciplines are so foundational to living your best life. I personally plan to revisit this one again soon. 


Sabbath 01: Stop from Rule of Life Podcast. This is the first in a series of four teachings that complements's free sabbath discipleship curriculum. Highly recommend the doing the discipleship series with a small group and complementing it with listening to this podcast series.

Sabbath (ft. Tyler Staton) | Unforced Rhythms of Grace from the John Mark Comer Teachings podcast. I referenced this teaching by Tyler Staton in the podcast today. Fantastic perspective shift for sabbath as a rhythm. (There are many more JMC teachings about sabbath in this podcast playlist. When I need a refresher as to why we sabbath, this podcast is where I go for inspiration and motivation to get me back on track.)

Places where we can continue this conversation:

Stay up to date on all our conversations and the resources I’m creating for you by subscribing to my monthly newsletter and get my Couch-to-Sabbath guide for FREE. Our next episode will drop on April 9th, 2025. Subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Joy Abad Joy Abad

The Mentor’s Table podcast | S1E9: Reframing Resistance to Sabbath

Sabbath has a dirty secret that most people aren’t talking about—it comes with lots of resistance. Some resistance will come from within trying to get you to stop (or never start), and some will come from outside sources like family, friends, and co-workers. What do we do with those feelings of discouragement? Let’s talk about it. Pull up a chair.


This topic isn't mentioned in most teachings about sabbath--you will feel resistance from within to stop sabbathing (or never start), and you will feel resistance from others around also discouraging you. What do you do with those feelings? Let's talk about it. Pull up a chair.

If you have questions about sabbath that you would like to submit for a future Q&R (question and response) episode, please comment below or email me

Click below to listen to our two previous episodes about SABBATH:

The How & the Why of Our Family's Sabbath Rhythm

How I Began My Sabbath Rhythm

Here are some of my favorite resources I turned to when I began my sabbath rhythm: (may contain affiliate links)


The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. This is where sabbath all began for me! The book covers many spiritual disciplines, not just sabbath. It's my favorite gateway into making spiritual disciplines a life rhythm.

Subversive Sabbath by  A.J. Swoboda | This book has some fantastic teachings about sabbath, and it's a classic "eat the meat and spit out the bones" book. I suggest inviting the Spirit to guide you with discernment as you read.

The Invitation to a Journey by M. Robert Mulholland Jr. | This is a fantastic starting point as well, beginning with establishing why spiritual disciplines are so foundational to living your best life. I personally plan to revisit this one again soon. 


Sabbath 01: Stop from Rule of Life Podcast. This is the first in a series of four teachings that complements's free sabbath discipleship curriculum. Highly recommend the doing the discipleship series with a small group and complementing it with listening to this podcast series.

Sabbath (ft. Tyler Staton) | Unforced Rhythms of Grace from the John Mark Comer Teachings podcast. I referenced this teaching by Tyler Staton in the podcast today. Fantastic perspective shift for sabbath as a rhythm. (There are many more JMC teachings about sabbath in this podcast playlist. When I need a refresher as to why we sabbath, this podcast is where I go for inspiration and motivation to get me back on track.)

Places where we can continue this conversation:

Stay up to date on all our conversations and the resources I’m creating for you by subscribing to my monthly newsletter and get my Couch-to-Sabbath guide for FREE.Our next episode will drop on Wednesday, March 19th, 2025. Subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Joy Abad Joy Abad

The Mentor’s Table podcast | S1E8: How I Began My Sabbath Rhythm

In this episode I’ll share my own testimony and slooooow journey I’ve been on for the last five years to establish a rhythm of sabbath in my life and eventually incorporating my family into it too. Pull up a chair.


Last time we began our discussion about the spiritual practice of sabbathing--how and why we do it. In this episode, I get into the details about how I started my sabbath rhythm and the loooooooong process it took to develop a rhythm that eventually included my family. Pull up a chair.

If you have questions about sabbath that you would like to submit for a future Q&R episode, please comment below or email me

Here are some of my favorite resources I turned to when I began my sabbath rhythm: (may contain affiliate links)


The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. This is where sabbath all began for me! The book covers many spiritual disciplines, not just sabbath. It's my favorite gateway into making spiritual disciplines a life rhythm.

Subversive Sabbath by  A.J. Swoboda | This book has some fantastic teachings about sabbath, and it's a classic "eat the meat and spit out the bones" book. I suggest inviting the Spirit to guide you with discernment as you read.

The Invitation to a Journey by M. Robert Mulholland Jr. | This is a fantastic starting point as well, beginning with establishing why spiritual disciplines are so foundational to living your best life. I personally plan to revisit this one again soon. 


Sabbath 01: Stop from Rule of Life Podcast. This is the first in a series of four teachings that complements's free sabbath discipleship curriculum. Highly recommend the doing the discipleship series with a small group and complementing it with listening to this podcast series.

Sabbath (ft. Tyler Staton) | Unforced Rhythms of Grace from the John Mark Comer Teachings podcast. I referenced this teaching by Tyler Staton in the podcast today. Fantastic perspective shift for sabbath as a rhythm. (There are many more JMC teachings about sabbath in this podcast playlist. When I need a refresher as to why we sabbath, this podcast is where I go for inspiration and motivation to get me back on track.)

Places where we can continue this conversation:

Stay up to date on all our conversations and the resources I’m creating for you by subscribing to my monthly newsletter and get my Couch-to-Sabbath guide for FREE. Our next episode will drop on Wednesday, March 5th, 2025. Subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Joy Abad Joy Abad

The Mentor’s Table podcast | S1E7: The HOW & WHY of Our Family’s Sabbath Rhythm

Sabbath is one of my favorite spiritual practices that I exercise to help me build spiritual muscle memory for surrender. The weekly rhythm of stopping and celebrating is a constant reminder that if I stop working, the world keeps spinning and God can still keep running things without me. It humbles me, fills me up with power for the coming week, and develops a deep neural pathway that connects letting go as a safe choice because we serve a trustWORTHY God. 


Sabbath is one of my favorite spiritual practices that I exercise to help me build spiritual muscle memory for surrender. The weekly rhythm of stopping and celebrating is a constant reminder that if I stop working, the world keeps spinning and God can still keep running things without me. It humbles me, fills me up with power for the coming week, and develops a deep neural pathway that connects letting go as a safe choice because we serve a trustWORTHY God. 

Here are some of my favorite resources I turned to when I began my sabbath rhythm: (may contain affiliate links)


The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. This is where sabbath all began for me! The book covers many spiritual disciplines, not just sabbath. It's my favorite gateway into making spiritual disciplines a life rhythm.

Subversive Sabbath by  A.J. Swoboda | This book has some fantastic teachings about sabbath, and it's a classic "eat the meat and spit out the bones" book. I suggest inviting the Spirit to guide you with discernment as you read.

The Invitation to a Journey by M. Robert Mulholland Jr. | This is a fantastic starting point as well, beginning with establishing why spiritual disciplines are so foundational to living your best life. I personally plan to revisit this one again soon. 


Sabbath 01: Stop from Rule of Life Podcast. This is the first in a series of four teachings that complements's free sabbath discipleship curriculum. Highly recommend the doing the discipleship series with a small group and complementing it with listening to this podcast series.

Sabbath (ft. Tyler Staton) | Unforced Rhythms of Grace from the John Mark Comer Teachings podcast. I referenced this teaching by Tyler Staton in the podcast today. Fantastic perspective shift for sabbath as a rhythm. (There are many more JMC teachings about sabbath in this podcast playlist. When I need a refresher as to why we sabbath, this podcast is where I go for inspiration and motivation to get me back on track.)

Places where we can continue this conversation:

Stay up to date on all our conversations and the resources I’m creating for you by subscribing to my monthly newsletter. Our next episode will drop on Wednesday, February 19th, 2025. Subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Joy Abad Joy Abad

The Mentor’s Table podcast | S1E6: Listening Hacks to Hear God in the Silence

Just because you’re practicing moments of silence and solitude doesn’t guarantee you’re hearing God’s leading in your life. Here are a couple of my unconventional hacks that help me better quiet the mind noise and discern what God is saying.


Links from this episode:

  1. If you missed the first episode on silence, check it out here.

Places where we can continue this conversation:

Stay up to date on all our conversations and the resources I’m creating for you by subscribing to my monthly newsletter. Our next episode will drop on Wednesday, February 5th, 2025. Subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Joy Abad Joy Abad

The Mentor’s Table podcast | S1E5: An Invitation to Silence

What does the spiritual practice of silence have to do with surrender? In this episode we’ll connect silence to surrender, define what silence and solitude is and what it isn’t, explain why it’s important, and give you ideas about how to begin incorporating a micro habit of silence into your daily rhythm.


Links from this episode (may contain affiliate links):

  1. My favorite book on spiritual disciplines

  2. Pete Scazzero’s Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast “The Power of a Hidden Life

  3. Rule of Life podcast: “Solitude 03: Encountering Our Self with Bethany Allen

  4. Habit Lab podcast with Jenna Zint: “Habits to Help With Info Overload

Places where we can continue this conversation:

Stay up to date on all our conversations and the resources I’m creating for you by subscribing to my monthly newsletter. Our next episode will drop on Wednesday, January 23rd. Subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss it.

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Joy Abad Joy Abad

The Mentor’s Table podcast | S1E4: Our NEW Spiritual Discipline Part 2

As we continue our discussion on the importance of remembering and raise it to the level of a spiritual discipline that needs to be practiced regularly in our lives, we talk about how we need to remember God’s goodness in the GOOD times as well as in the bad. Also, I give some practical ideas for how to incorporate this spiritual practice into your regular life rhythm.


I couldn’t wait to add more to our discussion about remembering being a new spiritual discipline. One of the points we focus on is how important it is to remember God’s provision in the GOOD times. I also give some practical ideas for how to incorporate remembering in your life rhythm. Take a moment to listen, and then share your responses below.

A few prompts to help add your voice to the table:

  1. There are aspects of remembering woven into some of the other spiritual disciplines—gratitude, prayer, and Bible reading to name a few—do you think remembering have enough substance to stand on its own? Why or why not?

  2. Would you be willing to share any examples of when remembering fueled your hope in the midst of a difficult trial?

  3. Please share ALL THE PINS with out-of-the-box ideas for creating your own remembering station in your home.

Links (may contain affiliate links):

  1. The Bible Project's Hope video

  2. My favorite book on spiritual disciplines (remembering is not included, hehe ;-).

  3. The mini printer my daughter uses.

  4. This printer makes stickers!

Places where we can continue this conversation:

Stay up to date on all our conversations and the resources I’m creating for you by subscribing to my monthly newsletter on Our next episode will drop on Wednesday, January 8th. Subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss it.

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Joy Abad Joy Abad

The Mentor’s Table podcast | S1E3: A NEW Spiritual Discipline???

In today’s episode, I’m proposing a brand NEW spiritual discipline I couldn’t find on Google, but I think it’s been in front of us the whole time. Tune in to find out what it is.


This is a bold statement, but I think I've discovered a NEW spiritual discipline. What are your thoughts? How does this discipline help develop your surrender muscles? How has this discipline/practice helped you in the past? 


  1. The Bible Project's Hope video

  2. My favorite book on spiritual disciplines (my new one is not included, hehe ;-).

  3. My favorite resource for spiritual disciplines

Places where we can continue this conversation:

  • In the comments right here ⬇️

  • Email at

  • On Instagram @joyabaddotcom

Stay up to date on all our conversations and the resources I’m creating for you by subscribing to my monthly newsletter on Our next episode will drop on Wednesday, December 11th. Subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss it.

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Joy Abad Joy Abad

The Mentor’s Table podcast | S1E2: Surrendering Even When You KNOW Better

In today’s episode, we’re going to step on some of my fellow recovering-control-freak’s toes. When we’re talking about God’s invitation to surrender, there is no caveat that says we can wait until it starts to make sense to us.


In today’s episode, we’re going to step on some of my fellow recovering-control-freak’s toes. We’ll start with Jesus asking Simon (Peter) to lower his nets in the sea after he’s been fishing all night and caught nothing. As a fisherman by trade, Peter KNOWS BETTER, yet he answers, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets” (Luke 5:5 esv).

When we’re talking about God’s invitation to surrender, there is no caveat that says we can wait until it starts to make sense to us.

How About You?

  1. Which of your past experiences does Peter’s example trigger in your memory?

  2. Do you still find yourself hung up on waiting for the understanding to come before the surrender?

  3. Are there any practices/habits you have implemented that have helped you be able to surrender before you understood the why?

Places where we can continue this conversation:

  • In the comments right here ⬇️

  • Email at

  • On Instagram @joyabaddotcom

Stay up to date on all our conversations and the resources I’m creating for you by subscribing to my monthly newsletter on Our next episode will drop on Wednesday, December 4th. Subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss it.

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Joy Abad Joy Abad

The Mentor’s Table podcast | S1E1: The S-Word

Let’s begin the conversation about everyone’s favorite s-word (please note the sarcasm dripping off that statement). Here’s where we dive into the nitty gritty truths about surrender.



In this episode, we begin to tackle the s-word—surrender. We’ll begin with a moment of silence so we can focus and come back into our bodies while we listen to what God is saying to us.

Surrender is a whole-body; whole-life action verb that too often gets glossed over with sweeping generalizations. In this episode we’ll begin to talk about some of the nuances to the word and why I’m choosing to focus on it for this season.

Conversation starters:

* Which subtitle resonated with you and why?

  1. The Nitty Gritty Parts of Surrender—Invitations to develop callouses on your soul and muscle memory in your body to let go

  2. God’s invitations to live from a posture of open hands, open heart, eyes fixed

* Do you believe that the ability to surrender requires building spiritual muscle memory, or do you believe it primarily is dependent on something else? Please explain.

Places where we can continue this conversation:

  • In the comments right here ⬇️

  • Email at

  • On Instagram @joyabaddotcom

Our next episode will drop on Wednesday, November 20th. Subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss it.

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Joy Abad Joy Abad

The Mentor’s Table Podcast Trailer

At this virtual table, we are gathering a community of followers of Jesus longing for rich, nutrient-dense spiritual meals for our souls. Join the conversation as an act of resistance to the feelings of loneliness plaguing so many of us. You’re not alone anymore. Pull up a chair.


Season one will be all about surrender. When you think of the word surrender, what comes to mind? Let’s continue the conversation in the comments 💛


Welcome! I’m Joy your host here at this virtual table.

I’m a teacher, writer, spiritual director, girl mom, married for 19 years, recovering control freak.

In this episode we’ll talk about the power of a table, who is invited to this table, the focus of our conversations in season one, and I’ll extend to you a bit of an unorthodox invitation as well as a HUGE disclaimer.

The first episode of this season will drop November 6th, 2024. Please subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts so it will automatically pop up in your feed whenever an episode drops.

Places where we can continue this conversation:

  • In the comments right here ⬇️

  • Email at

  • On Instagram @joyabaddotcom

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