The Mentor’s Table podcast | S1E4: Our NEW Spiritual Discipline Part 2


I couldn’t wait to add more to our discussion about remembering being a new spiritual discipline. One of the points we focus on is how important it is to remember God’s provision in the GOOD times. I also give some practical ideas for how to incorporate remembering in your life rhythm. Take a moment to listen, and then share your responses below.

A few prompts to help add your voice to the table:

  1. There are aspects of remembering woven into some of the other spiritual disciplines—gratitude, prayer, and Bible reading to name a few—do you think remembering have enough substance to stand on its own? Why or why not?

  2. Would you be willing to share any examples of when remembering fueled your hope in the midst of a difficult trial?

  3. Please share ALL THE PINS with out-of-the-box ideas for creating your own remembering station in your home.

Links (may contain affiliate links):

  1. The Bible Project's Hope video

  2. My favorite book on spiritual disciplines (remembering is not included, hehe ;-).

  3. The mini printer my daughter uses.

  4. This printer makes stickers!

Places where we can continue this conversation:

Stay up to date on all our conversations and the resources I’m creating for you by subscribing to my monthly newsletter on Our next episode will drop on Wednesday, January 8th. Subscribe now wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss it.


The Mentor’s Table podcast | S1E3: A NEW Spiritual Discipline???