
My name is Joy. I’m an author, spiritual director, mountain mama, recovering control freak, and a hypocrite.

You see, I’m writing a book about true surrender, yet I still often grab the steering wheel of my own life with white knuckles and try to steer my life (and the lives of those near me) my way. These are my confessions and the lessons I’ve learned as I work to develop muscle memory in my soul to truly let go.

You are invited to join me on this life journey as we learn together what it means to release completely. I’ll keep confessing when I try to control again and the lessons I’m learning along the way, and together we can learn to name what’s true as we encourage one another to let go.

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My podcast “The Mentor’s Table" is a place where women gifted to lead and teach can gather around this virtual table to feed our souls. In season one, we'll dig into the nitty gritty parts of surrender and develop muscle memory in our souls to truly let go. Pull up a chair.

Living from a posture of open hands, open heart, eyes fixed on God